What type of aviation obstruction light should be installed on the chimney?

What type of aviation obstruction light needs to be installed depends on the height of the chimney. Among them, 45 meters is a demarcation point. aviation obstruction light

For chimneys whose height is <45 meters, only a layer of low-intensity aviation obstruction lights can be installed on the top of the chimney.
Chimneys with a height of > 45 meters should be equipped with multi-layer medium-intensity aviation obstruction lights, and the distance between each layer should not be greater than 45, and wait as much as possible.
Chimneys with a height> 150 meters can be equipped with high-intensity type A obstruction lights. The spacing is controlled within the range of 75-105 meters, and low and medium intensity obstruction lights are set between the high-intensity A-type obstruction lights.
Chimneys with a height of less than 150 meters can also use high-intensity type A obstruction lights. After using high-intensity type A obstruction lights, it is not necessary to mark the chimney with color code paint.



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